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About Me

Welcome to my creative corner! I'm Rimps Jain, an animator, illustrator, and character designer driven by a passion for storytelling through art.


From an early age, I've been spending most of my time with a sketchbook and colors but my desire to learn new skills brought me to the world of animation, which has given me a fresh perspective. I find immense joy in animating characters within a fantastical world and exploring captivating narratives. This passion for storytelling and imaginative worlds truly excites me. 


What sets me apart is my dedication to continuous learning and growth. I approach each project with a curious spirit and an open mind, always seeking new opportunities to refine my skills and broaden my artistic horizons. Whether it's creating whimsical illustrations or crafting compelling animations, I thrive on the creative process and the ability to transport viewers into enchanting worlds.


Join me on this artistic journey as we embark on adventures, unravel stories, and celebrate the magic of imagination together.

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